Trinity Bible Church


Our Mission:

To love God and our community through Spirit ​empowered exaltation of Christ in his Word.

Our Vision:

We are passionate about investing in a vibrant, growing, and reproducing church in Calistoga ​partnering with other like-minded churches to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the entire ​Napa Valley and extending that love throughout the world through:

  • Weekly worship services.
  • Ongoing Bible studies.
  • Growing discipleship opportunities.
  • Hopeful biblical counseling.
  • Frequent outreach events.
  • Active community assistance.
  • Collaborative church planting.
  • Strategic foreign missions.

Our Focus:

Our desire is to specifically pursue the young families in Calistoga, interacting with the local ​schools and community children’s programs. Young families make up the majority of ​Calistoga’s age spread, and as we serve them well we will also reach grandparent relationships. The ethnicity spread shows a fairly even split between white and Hispanic so efforts will be ​made to include both English and Spanish speaking households.

Why Calistoga, CA:

God providentially placed the city of Calistoga in ​our field of view and supernaturally placed a ​burden for that city within our hearts.

We need more churches order to adequately ​minister to all of God’s people in Calistoga and the ​Napa Valley, and to sufficiently reach the whole of ​the valley for Christ.

Calistoga Demographics:

Ethnicity spread:

58% White (2900)

39% Hispanic (1950)

3% Other (150)

Age spread:

14% under 18 (700)

59% adult under 65 (2950)

27% senior 65+ (1350)

About 5000 people currently live in Calistoga.

Neither homelessness nor poverty are an issue in Calistoga. Primary concerns include ​emotional/relational needs and understanding the need for Christ among those who may place ​their security in other people, money, and possessions.

Our Strategy & Milestones:

Plant A Church

We start by loving God and each other in the context of a ​community of believers by exalting Christ in the power of ​the Spirit through the proclamation of his Word to each ​other.

YEAR 1 - Projected April 20, 2025

Mark of growth:

10 adult core team members.

80% annual support commitments.

Grow The Church

Church Steeple

Continuing to model that love and gospel proclamation ​every day in our personal contexts of where we live, work, ​and play, we will seek to bring people to Christ and make ​more disciples.

YEAR 3 - Spring, 2028

Mark of growth:

At least one baptism per month.

The church is completely self-supported.

Reproduce The Church

Push Pins On A Road Map

We then extend that love beyond our context to those ​outside, whether it be areas of our community we do not ​frequent, or areas outside our community in missions, ​outreach, and church planting.

YEAR 5 - Spring, 2030

Mark of growth:

The ability to send and support our own ​missionary/church planter.

Our Values:

Christ-centered Trinitarianism

We are committed to loving our heavenly Father through exalting his Son in ​the power of the Spirit, thus reflecting how our triune God loves us.

Sufficiency of Scripture

We are committed to the exaltation of Christ in his Word because Scripture is ​the only sufficient means to bring about reconciliation with the Father as the ​Spirit produces faith and repentance in the hearts of those who hear or read ​God’s Word.

Priesthood of Believers

We are committed to loving God and our community as a community that ​engages in all aspects of church life, using the gifts of the Spirit, the mind of ​Christ, and access to the Father to admonish, encourage, and help each other ​to the glory of God.

Hopeful Evangelism

We are committed to loving our communities including Calistoga, the Napa ​Valley, and the world by bringing the hope of the gospel to everyone we ​encounter at home or abroad.

What We Need:

Our aim in raising support is to see if the story of faith God is writing on our ​life- the call to plant a church- aligns with the story of generosity God is ​writing for other individuals and established churches.


  • Pray for the hearts of the people in Calistoga to be open to the gospel.
  • Pray for the love of God to be displayed sacrificially among God’s people.
  • Pray for our strength and faithfulness to do what God wants us to do.
  • Pray for our family to grow in love and selflessness as we continue to ​learn and serve as church planters.


  • We need at least 10 adult core team members to launch. These are ​people who live in or are willing to relocate to the upper Napa area, and ​are excited to invest a minimum of three years in the planting, growth ​and expansion of this new church.
  • We currently have 3 committed core members!



  • Our goal is to reach $200,000 in committed annual support for three ​years. This would allow the church plant to be completely financially ​free to minister the most effectively in Calistoga, providing for a full-​time lead pastor, meeting location, utilities, outreach opportunities, ​congregational care, etc.
  • $50,000 for start-up costs will cover projected fees for non-profit ​status, initial marketing and publicity, software and electrical gear, ​digital resources for study and licensing, and other initial needs, such ​as Bibles, chairs, and hospitality resources.


  • $111,000 (about 55%) still remains to be fully supported
    • An estimated 45% of support has already been committed for the ​first three years of the church plant through our missions ​platform, our sending church, and a conservative projection of ​our future congregation’s generosity.
Christians are congregants join hands to pray and seek the bless


Our desire is to partner with a number of churches and individuals, knowing ​that, as God’s people invest in this church plant financially, they are ​compelled to invest in prayer as well. We are inviting believers to consider ​joining God’s church planting adventure for three years at varying levels of ​commitment.


3 Churches at $1000/month

5 Churches at $500/month

9 Churches at $200/month

11 Churches at $100/month

3 Individuals at $100/month

5 Individuals at $50/month

10 Individuals at $25/month

12 Individuals at $10/month

Both scheduled and one-time giving can ​be sent via our sending church, Trinity ​Benicia, by clicking their logo and ​writing Church Plant in the memo line:

About Jason Hunt

Jason was raised in Grass Valley, ​CA, a small, rural town similar to ​Calistoga, and was saved at the age ​of eight. He graduated from The ​Master’s College with a degree in ​Music Composition and has served ​in music ministry for over two ​decades.

Jason is currently pursuing his ​MDIV at Cornerstone Seminary in ​Vallejo, CA and serves as the ​Associate Pastor and SEND Church ​Plant Intern at Trinity Benicia.

He and his wife Christin ​homeschool their kids (ages 15, 12 ​and 9) while also preparing for a ​baby, due July ‘24.

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